Bogor Old and New Contest, is a HAM Radio competition that aims at improving the operating skills of its participants.
I. Participants : Licensed amateur radio operators.
II. Objective : To contact as many participants as possible according to the rules of the contest.
III. Entry Categories : There are four categories on 80m and 40m band, although if an entrant wants to enter on only one band, that is perfectly fine. Nevertheless the results will be adjudicated according to the following categories:
Single Operator SSB Indonesia
Single Operator SSB World DX
Multi Operator SSB Indonesia
Multi Operator SSB World DX
IV. Contest Date and Time : December 31, 2022 fm 09:00 – 23:59 UTC.
V. Bands : 40 and 80 Meters :
Suggested contest band portions
40 M : from 7.040 KHz to 7.200 KHz
80 M : from 3.650 KHz to 3.900 KHz
VI. Power : No limitation (according to maximum permitted in license)
VII. QSO Points :
QSO with DX Station (other continent) 5 point
QSO with DX Station (same continent) 3 point
QSO within same country 1 point
Bonus Point
QSO with 7E1A : 11 point
A station can be worked only once per band.
VIII. Multiplier :
First QSO with New Prefix : 1
IX. Contest Exchange : RS + Age (for YL is 00)
Example: 59 35 (please don’t forget change age in N1MM log selection)
X. Final Score : Sum of QSO point times the sum of multipliers worked.
Example : Final score = 100 Points x 11 Multipliers = 100 x 11 = 1100 points.
XIII. Valid Contacts :
Contacts will be valid if:
Times of QSO match in logs ( ± 3 minutes)
Band match in both logs
The copied callsign matches
The copied RS – Age matches
XII. Logs : Contest logs must include the following information.
UTC time of each QSO in four-digit format, e.g. 1215
Frequency of each qso in four digit format depending on the frequency e.g. 7155
Complete callsign of each worked QSO
RS sent
Age number Sent, e.g. 35
RS Received
Age Number Received, e.g. 50
Contest UDC (User Defined Contest) for N1MM Logger, available at here
XIII. Log Submission : Logs must be upload at here
XIV. Log Deadline : January 31st, 2023.
XV. Certificates : Will be electronically issued to all entrants by web.
XVI. Plaque :
Single Operator
1st – Indonesia Winner
2nd – Indonesia Winner
3rd – Indonesia Winner
Indonesia Call Area Winners (minimal of 10 station / call area).
1st World DX Winner
Continent Winner (minimal of 5 contesters in Continent)
Multi Operator
National Winner – Plaque
World DX Winner – Plaque
Single Operator YL
YL Indonesia Winner (minimal of 10 contester)
YL DX Winner (minimal of 5 contester)
XVII. Contest Terms :
Self Spotting is not permitted
Only one signal is allowed to work on one frequency
BOANC Contest Committee can disqualify contest participants who break the rules
BOANC Contest committee’s decision is final and cannot be contested